Sunday, July 17, 2016

Many people believed Facebook is going overboard by trying to spy its millions of users and extract as Much information it can lay its hands upon for marketing purpose. 
They dig deep into what is flying around on the social media between friends, groups and individuals, this off set Juraj Ivan who in about 24 hours developed a chrome and safari extension that will kill all of Facebook strategy to advertise or cunningly compel its users to perform a task.

The chrome app works like an ad-blocker, the apps named "your Facebook friend feeds" once you start using the app all feed from Facebook can be blocked off except for ones you intentionally permit. You only see information directed to you from friends alone and not some obtrusive messages like "your friend just like..."

Myself, Ive sometimes perceived social media as time zappers, simply because Facebook will try every effort to keep you on the website for as long as possible. They know more time you spent on the website is more means to market their services to you.

The Slovakian Developer explains that it took him just 24 hours to develop the tool.

Yesterday  developed this simple chrome extension, that hide all stories that are not directly from your friends or pages you follow. As a result of it, i already stopped visiting Facebook so often, its enough to visit once, twice s day and i dont miss anything important from ny friends".

He further explained what instigate him to develop the tool:

"I realized that i visit Facebook too often because there is always something new, but mostly its stories from people snd pages I dont follow.But these stories appear on my news feed because my friends like them. Having my newsfeed cluttered like that i often miss stories from friends themselves".

We really cant say if this tool has come to stay, because i think the team at Facebook should be unto it by now.

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